Some Misconceptions About MVP

Minimum Viable Products is mostly meant to get feedback from the customers about the products or the business. This is also a new approach for solving business problems and doing it in a better way. There are so many MVP Startups in the USA, but few of them are only successful. This is because they use the right strategy and planning. Only with the right planning and strategy, you can able to get the success that you are looking for. But, before building MVP, there are many misconceptions that you might have come across. So, its time to brush those misconceptions

Let’s have a look here

  • MVP Lean startup

This is one of the most popular misconceptions that MVP is the heart of a lean startup. The basic idea of MVP lean startup is to push forward the enthusiasts to put technology before anything. The most basic factor of a lean startup is user validation and development. It is very important that you put the most successful products that can put the attention on this. The basic core idea of the startup was to provide the startup owner to know the value of their products in the market.
  • MVP pulls Money and customers in
If you are wondering that building an MVP and mark a checkbox in the startup to-do list is enough, then you are wrong. If your MVP manages to attract your user, then it’s a huge win. But, it’s just a beginning. There are lots of plot tests for your ideas. They often deliver value and the MVP’s role is to make sure that the value will be in demand on the market.
  • MVP is a product that has one valuable feature
As you know, it is quite easier to build the bare-bore version of the product with one epic and awesome features. So, you really need to make sure that the focus is not dissipated between other jobs-to-be-done and the MVP delivers with well-targeted feedbacks. You need to pick the most fundamental one and try to build the whole idea in it.

Thinking to build your MVP? Visit 7K Startup websites where you will get the best ever MVP that works for your business.


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